b528647b |
Background Radiation Monitor - Web Server
A simple web server that makes available to clients over the Internet
readings from a MightyOhm Geiger counter. The MightyOhm is connected to
an Arduino Uno with attached Ethernet shield. This software module
runs on the Arduino Uno an embedded HTTP server by which Internet
applications can query the MightyOhm for Geiger counter readings.
Also, this software runs a Network Time Protocol (NTP) client, that
periodically synchronizes the local system clock to network time.
Included is a simple command line interface that may be used to change the
network interface IP address, NTP server address, or configure a
verbose output mode.
Copyright 2014 Jeff Owrey
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/license.
* Main components: Arduino Uno, Ethernet shield, Mighty Ohm Geiger counter
* Ethernet shield attached to pins 10, 11, 12, 13
* In order to allow the MightyOhm to operate on the Uno's 5 volt power
supply, and thus make the MightyOhm's serial output compatible with the
Uno, the following has to be done (see MightyOhm schematic):
1. Change R6 to 1K Ohm.
2. Change R11 to 330 Ohm.
3. Connect +5v from the Uno to MightyOhm J6 pin 1.
4. Connect GND from the Uno to MightyOhm J6 pin 3.
5. Connect D5 from the Uno to MightyOhm J7 pin 5.
Misc Notes:
As of this release the Uno's SRAM gets entirely maxed out by
this program. Any modifications to this program that requires
additional memory seriously entails the risk that the modifications
will cause the program to become un-stable.
Revision History:
* v10 released 25 Feb 2014 by J L Owrey
* v11 released 24 Jun 2014 by J L Owrey
- optimization of processRxByte function to conserve SRAM
- removal of non-used function code
- defaults to APIPA IP address in the event a DHCP address
cannot be obtained
* v12 released 20 Dec 2014 by J L Owrey
- removed Timestamp global variable to make more dynamic
memory available for local variables
- optimized clock network synch algorithm
- optimized serial update algorithm
* v13 released 22 Jul 2015 by J L Owrey
- add use of "F" function to store constant strings in
program flash memory in order to save SRAM space
* v14 released 19 Aug 2015 by J L Owrey
- add ability to respond to web a client request with either
a JSON compatible string or a standard HTML document
Define the header and version number displayed at startup
and also by the 'view settings' command.
#define STARTUP_HEADER "\n\rRadmon v1.4 (c) 2015"
#define RADMON_VERSION "v1.4"
The following define sets the MAC address of the device. This
address is a permanent attribute of the device's Ethernet interface,
and never, ever, should be changed. This address was provided
by the Arduino Ethernet shield manufacturer for use with this
specific instance of the Ethernet shield. This MAC address should
be shown on a label affixed to the device housing.
#define ETHERNET_MAC_ADDRESS 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x0D, 0x84, 0xF6
The following defines an APIPA default address in the event that
DHCP mode is ON and a DHCP address cannot be obtained.
The following defines set the period of a 'heartbeat' string sent
out over the device's USB port. This heartbeat consists of a serial
data string containing the current radiation reading and GM time.
#define SERIAL_UPDATE_INTERVAL 30000 //milli-seconds
#define VERBOSE_SERIAL_UPDATE_INTERVAL 10000 //milli-seconds
The following define sets the port number the HTTP service will use to
listen for requests from Internet clients. Normally HTTP requests use
port 80.
The following defines are for configuring a local NTP client
for synchronizing the local system clock to network time.
Note that the default setting is the IP address of the following
time server:
#define NTP_PORT 8888
#define NTP_PACKET_SIZE 48 // NTP time stamp is in the first 48 bytes of the message
The following defines how often the system clock gets synchronized
to network time.
#define NET_SYNCH_INTERVAL 43200 //number in seconds
The following defines the size of the buffer space required for the
serial data string from the Mighty Ohm Geiger counter. The serial
data string is defined as the text from newline character to newline
The beginning of the MightyOhm data string always begins with the
same three characters. These three characters determine the
beginning of a new line of data from the MightyOhm.
#include <Time.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <EthernetUdp.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>;
Create and initialize a mac address object for the Ethernet interface.
byte mac[] = { ETHERNET_MAC_ADDRESS };
Create and initialize an HTTP server object. The object is initialized
to the TCP port the HTTP server will use to listen for clients.
EthernetServer httpServer(HTTP_SERVER_PORT);
Create a UDP client object for sending packets to
and receiveing packets from an NTP time server.
EthernetUDP Udp;
Create a software serial port for receiving serial data from
the MightyOhm. Note that the Uno pin 5 receives serial data
FROM the MightyOhm. The Uno's pin 6 is not used, as there is
no need to send serial data to the MightyOhm.
SoftwareSerial MightyOhmTxOut(5, 6);
Create global variables to store the MightOhm data, next heartbeat
time, and next synchronization time.
unsigned long SerialUpdateTime;
time_t NextClockSynchTime;
Create global variables to store the verbose mode state (ON or OFF)
and the IP address mode state (static or DHCP).
boolean bVerbose;
boolean bUseDHCP;
Create and initialize global arrays to hold the current IP address
and the NTP server IP address.
byte ipAddr[4] = {};
byte ntpip[4] = {};
void setup()
Open serial communications to and from the Uno's USB port.
Print to the USB port a header showing Radmon
version of this program and the copyright notice.
Get the system configuration from EEPROM.
Start up the Ethernet interface using either a static or
DHCP supplied address (depending on stored system configuration).
Serial.println(F("Configuring network interface..."));
if ( Ethernet.begin(mac) == 0 )
/* DHCP not responding so use APIPA address */
parseIpAddress(ipAddr, DEFAULT_APIPA_IP_ADDRESS);
Ethernet.begin(mac, ipAddr);
Serial.println(F("DHCP failed - using APIPA"));
Serial.print(F("DHCP supplied IP: "));
Ethernet.begin(mac, ipAddr);
Start up NTP client service.
Synchronize the system clock to network time.
Start up the HTTP server.
Serial.println(F("Starting HTTP server..."));
Open serial communications to the MightyOhm device.
Initialize initial time for sending out the hearbeat string. Normally
the system clock will be at approx 3200 msec at this point. So allow
some additional time for data to accumulate in MightyOhm data buffer.
SerialUpdateTime = millis() + 2000;
Initialize MightyOhm data string to empty.
MightyOhmData[0] = 0;
/*** MAIN LOOP ***/
void loop()
Check for user keyboard 'c' pressed. This character switches
to command mode.
if ( Serial.available() )
// get incoming byte
if(Serial.read() == 'c')
Poll serial input buffer from MightyOhm for new data and
process received bytes to form a complete data string.
while ( MightyOhmTxOut.available() )
processRxByte( MightyOhmTxOut.read() );
Every so often send a 'heartbeat' string to the USB port.
The heartbeat consists of UTC time stamp and current data
from the MightyOhm Geiger counter.
if ( millis() > SerialUpdateTime )
Serial.println( MightyOhmData );
/* Set the time for the next heartbeat pulse to go out. */
SerialUpdateTime = millis() + \
Listen for and and process requests from HTTP clients.
Periodically synchronize local system clock to time
provided by NTP time server.
if ( now() > NextClockSynchTime )
Synchronize the local system clock to
network time provided by NTP time server.
void synchronizeSystemClock()
byte count;
Serial.println(F("Synchronizing with network time server..."));
for(count = 0; count < 3; count++) // Attempt to synchronize 3 times
if(syncToNetworkTime() == 1)
// Synchronization successful
} /* end for */
if(count == 3) {
Serial.println(F("synch failed"));
Set the time for the next network NTP
time synchronization to occur.
NextClockSynchTime = now() + NET_SYNCH_INTERVAL;
Handle HTTP GET requests from an HTTP client.
void listenForEthernetClients()
char sBuffer[14];
byte i;
byte iMode;
char c, d;
// listen for incoming clients
EthernetClient client = httpServer.available();
if (client) {
if (bVerbose) Serial.print("\n");
Serial.println(F("client request"));
i = 0;
sBuffer[0] = 0;
iMode = 0;
d = 0;
while(client.connected() && client.available()) {
c = client.read();
* The end of an HTTP client request is always signaled by a
* blank line, that is, by two consecutive line feed and carriage
* return characters "\r\n\r\n". The following two lines of code
* look for this condition.
if(c == '\n' && d == '\n') break; //end of HTTP client request
if (c != '\r') d = c; // ignore carriage return characters
if (bVerbose) {
// prevent buffer overruns
if (i < 13) {
sBuffer[i++] = c;
sBuffer[i] = 0;
// request for JSON string response
b528647b |
client.print(strtok(strBuffer, " "));
client.print(F(" "));
client.print(strtok(NULL, ", "));
client.print(strtok(NULL, ", "));
client.print(strtok(NULL, ", "));
client.print(strtok(NULL, ", "));
client.print(strtok(NULL, ", "));
client.print(strtok(NULL, ", "));
client.print(strtok(NULL, ", "));
client.print(strtok(NULL, ", "));
b528647b |
Process bytes received from the MightyOhm Geiger counter,
one at a time, to create a well formed string.
void processRxByte( char RxByte )
static char readBuffer[MIGHTYOHM_DATA_STRING_LENGTH];
static byte cIndex = 0;
Discard carriage return characters.
if (RxByte == '\r')
A new line character indicates the line of data from
the MightyOhm is complete and can be written to the
MightyOhm data buffer.
else if (RxByte == '\n')
First copy the timestamp to the MightyOhm data buffer. The "CPS"
characters are not preserved in the temporary read buffer, so
restore them to the MightyOhm data buffer, as well.
sprintf( MightyOhmData, "%d:%02d:%02d %d/%d/%d, %s", \
hour(), minute(), second(), month(), day(), year(), \
Now copy the rest of the data in the temporary read buffer to the
MightyOhm data buffer.
strcat(MightyOhmData, readBuffer);
Flush the temporary read buffer.
cIndex = 0;
readBuffer[0] = 0;
A new line of data will always have "CPS" as the first
three characters. Therefore, when these characters occur in
sequence, the read buffer should begin collecting characters.
This is a kluge to deal with an inherent problem in the Software
Serial library implementation that results in characters dropped
from the software serial stream buffer.
if( strstr(readBuffer, MIGHTYOHM_DATA_STRING_HEADER) > 0 )
cIndex = 0;
Read characters into a temporary buffer until
the line of data is complete or the buffer is full.
readBuffer[cIndex] = RxByte;
cIndex += 1;
readBuffer[cIndex] = 0;
Send a UDP request packet to an NTP time server and listen for a reply.
When the reply arrives, parse the received UPD packet and compute unix
epoch time. Then set the local system clock to the epoch time.
int syncToNetworkTime()
Send a request to the NTP time server.
byte packetBuffer[ NTP_PACKET_SIZE]; //buffer to hold outgoing and incoming packets
Send an NTP packet to the time server and allow for network lag
before checking if a reply is available.
delay(2000); // allow 2000 milli-seconds for network lag
Wait for response from NTP time server.
if ( Udp.parsePacket() )
A UDP packet has arrived, so read the data from it.
Udp.read( packetBuffer, NTP_PACKET_SIZE );
The timestamp starts at byte 40 of the received packet and is four bytes,
or two words, long. First, esxtract the two words.
unsigned long highWord = word(packetBuffer[40], packetBuffer[41]);
unsigned long lowWord = word(packetBuffer[42], packetBuffer[43]);
Combine the four bytes (two words) into a long integer
this is NTP time (seconds since Jan 1 1900).
unsigned long secsSince1900 = highWord << 16 | lowWord;
Now convert NTP time into UTC time. Note that
Unix time starts on Jan 1 1970. In seconds,
that's 2208988800. Therfore,
epoch = secsSince1900 - 2208988800UL
Set the local system clock with this value.
setTime(secsSince1900 - 2208988800UL);
return 1;
return 0;
} /* end if */
Send an NTP request to the NTP time server.
void sendNTPpacket( byte* packetBuffer )
Set all bytes in the buffer to 0.
memset( packetBuffer, 0, NTP_PACKET_SIZE );
Initialize values needed to form NTP request.
packetBuffer[0] = 0b11100011; // LI, Version, Mode
packetBuffer[1] = 0; // Stratum, or type of clock
packetBuffer[2] = 6; // Polling Interval
packetBuffer[3] = 0xEC; // Peer Clock Precision
Set the remaining 8 bytes to zero for Root Delay & Root Dispersion.
packetBuffer[12] = 49;
packetBuffer[13] = 0x4E;
packetBuffer[14] = 49;
packetBuffer[15] = 52;
All NTP fields have been given values, so now
send a packet requesting a timestamp.
Udp.beginPacket( ntpip, 123 ); //NTP requests are to port 123
Udp.write( packetBuffer, NTP_PACKET_SIZE );
Print a command menu to the USB port. Then wait for a
response from the user. When the response has been
received, execute the command.
void commandMode()
char sCmdBuf[2];
getCurrentIP(); //used for display of settings
Print the menu.
Serial.print( F("\n" \
"1 - view settings\r\n" \
"2 - set IP address\r\n" \
"3 - set NTP server\r\n" \
"4 - toggle verbose\r\n" \
"5 - exit without saving\r\n" \
"6 - save & restart\r\n" \
Get the command from the user.
getSerialLine(sCmdBuf, 2);
Execute the command.
switch (sCmdBuf[0])
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
A software reboot is necessary to force the
Arduino to request an IP address from a DHCP
server or to initialize the Ethernet interface
with a static IP address.
Serial.println(F("invalid command"));
} /* end switch */
} /* end while */
Displays the current system settings. Displays
RadMon software version, local IP address, NTP server
address, and verbose mode setting.
void displaySettings()
char sBuf[16];
// Display RadMon version
Serial.print(F("Firmware "));
// Display local IP address
sprintf(sBuf, "%d.%d.%d.%d", ipAddr[0], ipAddr[1], ipAddr[2], ipAddr[3]);
if (bUseDHCP)
Serial.print(F("DHCP IP: "));
Serial.print(F("Static IP: "));
// Display NTP server IP address
sprintf(sBuf, "%d.%d.%d.%d", ntpip[0], ntpip[1], ntpip[2], ntpip[3]);
Serial.print(F("NTP server: "));
// Display verbose mode setting
Sets the local IP address. If the user sends a carriage
return as the first character, then switch to acquiring
IP address via DHCP server.
void setIP()
char sBuf[16];
Serial.print(F("enter IP (<CR> for DHCP): "));
getSerialLine(sBuf, 16);
if(strlen(sBuf) == 0)
bUseDHCP = true;
parseIpAddress(ipAddr, "");
bUseDHCP = false;
parseIpAddress(ipAddr, sBuf);
Sets the NTP server IP address. If the user sends a
carriage return as the first character, then use the
default IP address for the NTP server.
void setNTPIP()
char sBuf[16];
Serial.print(F("enter IP: "));
getSerialLine(sBuf, 16);
if (strlen(sBuf) == 0)
parseIpAddress(ntpip, DEFAULT_NTP_SERVER_IP_ADDR);
parseIpAddress(ntpip, sBuf);
Turns verbose mode ON or OFF.
void toggleVerbose()
bVerbose = !bVerbose;
Print current verbose mode.
void printVerboseMode()
Serial.print(F("Verbose: "));
if (bVerbose)
Get the current IP address from the Ethernet interface
void getCurrentIP()
ipAddr[0] = Ethernet.localIP()[0];
ipAddr[1] = Ethernet.localIP()[1];
ipAddr[2] = Ethernet.localIP()[2];
ipAddr[3] = Ethernet.localIP()[3];
Gets a line of data from the user via USB port.
char* getSerialLine(char* sBuffer, int bufferLength)
byte index;
char cRx;
Discard extranious characters that may still be in the
USB serial stream read buffer. Most often these characters
will be unprocessed carriage return or line feed characters.
while (Serial.available())
cRx = Serial.read();
Read and process characters from the user as they arrive in
the USB serial read buffer.
index = 0;
Wait until the user starts pressing keys and bytes
arrive in the serial read buffer.
if (Serial.available())
cRx = Serial.read();
if (cRx == '\r' || cRx == '\n')
The user has finished typing the command and
has pressed the Enter key. So, discard the
carriage return and newline characters and then
return control to the calling function.
else if (cRx == 8 || cRx == 127)
if (index > 0)
The user has hit the delete-backspace key,
so send out a backspace, followed by a space,
followed by another backspace character.
This allows for in-line ediiting.
index -= 1;
else if ( index < (bufferLength - 1) )
The received character is valid, so write it
to the buffer. Once the buffer becomes full
do not write any more characters to it. When
the user pressses the enter key, the string
will be null terminated and control will pass
back to the calling function.
Serial.write(cRx); // echo character to terminal
sBuffer[index] = cRx;
index += 1;
} /* end if */
} /* end if */
} /* end while */
sBuffer[index] = 0; // terminate the string
return sBuffer;
Writes system configuration settings to non-volitile
EEPROM. The items written are the local IP address,
the NTP server IP address, the state of verbose mode,
and local IP mode (static or DHCP).
void writeSettingsToEEPROM()
byte ix;
for (ix = 0; ix < 4; ix++)
EEPROM.write(ix, ipAddr[ix]);
EEPROM.write(ix + 4, ntpip[ix]);
EEPROM.write(8, bVerbose);
EEPROM.write(9, bUseDHCP);
Reads system configuration settings from non-volitile
EEPROM. The items read are the local IP address,
the NTP server IP address, the state of verbose mode,
and local IP mode (static or DHCP).
void readSettingsFromEEPROM()
byte ix;
for (ix = 0; ix < 4; ix++)
ipAddr[ix] = EEPROM.read(ix);
ntpip[ix] = EEPROM.read(ix + 4);
bVerbose = EEPROM.read(8);
bUseDHCP = EEPROM.read(9);
Parses an IP address given in "nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn" string
format into four bytes and stores them in an array. Note
that this function destroys the contents of the sIP
character array. Therefore this array cannot be
reinitialized after calling this function.
void parseIpAddress(byte* byBuf, char* sIP)
byBuf[0] = atoi(strtok(sIP, "."));
byBuf[1] = atoi(strtok(NULL, "."));
byBuf[2] = atoi(strtok(NULL, "."));
byBuf[3] = atoi(strtok(NULL, "."));
Restarts the Uno and runs this program from beginning. This
function gets called after a change made from the user
interface when the user selects "save and restart".
void software_Reset()
asm volatile (" jmp 0");