Welcome to the WVMN Tile Server

This tile server has the following tile sets:

Map System URL
OpenStreetMap (OSM) //{z}/{x}/{y}
Satellite //{z}/{x}/{y}
Weather Radar (Nexrad) (WMS Layer Format) //

Cache Status:

isFile()) { $count++; } } return $count; } $cache = explode("\n", shell_exec("du -hs /tmp/maps*")); array_pop($cache); foreach ($cache as &$value) { $data = explode(" ", $value); echo ""; } ?>
Map System Objects Cache Size
".str_replace("/tmp/maps-", "", $data[1])."".countFiles($data[1])."".$data[0]."

For questions about this system contact:

N: Richard Cornwell
E: k9rcp@techtoknow.net
P: 4048551727